Who We Are

In the School of Theology, we embrace a threefold model of theological education that we call “Academy, Abbey, Apostolate®.”

The interplay of scholarship, spiritual edification, and service — all informed by our Wesleyan heritage that joins “knowledge and vital piety” as a means of changing the world — defines a vision that distinguishes SPU among theology schools and seminaries.

Our Mission

The School of Theology at SPU seeks to educate and prepare all our students to engage the culture as thoughtful people. We seek to foster their intellectual, personal, and spiritual growth, and help them master those critical skills and multicultural sensitivities needed to understand Christian faith and translate it into practices that change the world.

Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcome 1

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Christian tradition and develop skills of theological reflection.

Student Learning Outcome 2

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Bible as Scripture and develop skills and practices of biblical interpretation that illustrate a discerning use of Scripture.

Student Learning Outcome 3

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the principles and skills that are essential to serve and lead as agents of reconciliation in diverse settings.

Student Learning Outcome 4

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics and practices of nurturing their own Christian faith and the Christian faith of others.